We invite original papers describing results that broadly belong to both theory and practice of databases and information systems. The list of specific topics of interest follows, with a note that it is not exhaustive and we welcome novel results addressing topics not included in the list.
Best Papers of the Main Conference will be invited for submission in Special Issues of the following journals (both ISI-indexed Journals).
ADBIS research papers will be published in a Springer-Verlag LNCS volume. Papers must not exceed 14 pages in the LNCS format (Latex style only for camera-ready papers). The program committee may decide to accept a submission as a short paper if it reports interesting results but does not justify publication of a full paper.
Additionally, the Authors must follow the guidelines below when preparing their papers.
ADBIS Doctoral Consortium is a forum for Ph.D. students to present their research ideas, confront them with the scientific community, receive feedback from senior mentors, socialize and tie cooperation bounds. Students will receive support and inspiration from their peers, and they will enjoy the the opportunity to discuss their research and career objectives with senior members of the community from outside their institution. Students will present and discuss their research directions in the context of an established international conference outside of their usual university environment.
The DC sessions are scheduled in parallel with workshop sessions affiliated with the ADBIS conference on the 8th of September. Each participant will have an opportunity to present her/his research, followed by discussion with and comments by senior researchers.
In addition, a poster session will be held during the main conference. Each participant of the Doctoral Consortium is supposed to present her/his research during the poster session, thus increasing the exposure of the research and engaging in discussions with senior members of the research community.
We seek Ph.D. student participants who have either determined the direction of their thesis research (probably with some preliminary results already published), but who still have substantial work to complete, or Ph.D. student participants who are in the early stages of their dissertation year. Please note that it is not required to have a paper accepted for the main conference in order to participate in the Doctoral Consortium.
To submit your application to the Doctoral Consortium please prepare the following documents.
Optionally, you may submit the following documents.
The papers for DC (item 4 above) should be at most 6 pages in Springer format (formatting instructions can be obtained via http://www.springer.com/series/11156) and describe the state of the whole PhD project, rather than a specific completed result. The paper should outline the objectives, the problem, state of the art, results obtained so far, and what is still to be done in the frame of the PhD project. If an author prefers to present a completed research result, the paper should be submitted to the main conference or one of accompanying workshops.
Submissions should be made electronically in PDF or DOC/DOCX (MS/Open Word) format via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=adbisphd2015.
In case of multiple files, please submit a single compressed file (zip or rar).
Please note that after logging into EasyChair, "ADBIS 2015 PhD Consortium" track has to be chosen to submit a paper in response to this call.
The papers submitted to the DC will be reviewed by a PC and the authors of successful submissions must take into account reviewer's comments during the preparation of final version and describe the changes in a separate document to be submitted together with the final camera-ready version.
The program committee reserves a right to reject a paper if the final version does not meet the requirements above.
Selection of participants who did not submit a DC paper (item 4) will be based on the clarity of the submitted materials and the student's stage of research. We will also take institutional representation into account in order to provide a truly diverse environment for research presentation and discussion. Applications not adhering to the provided guidelines (including page limits) may not be considered.
The DC papers will be published together with ADBIS workshops proceedings, by Springer in the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series. The authors of best DC submissions will be invited to provide an extended version to an international journal (acceptance is subject to further reviewing).
Requests for information should be e-mailed.
The ADBIS 2015 conference will be held in Poitiers, France, September 8-11, 2015, to provide a forum for the dissemination of research accomplishments and to promote interaction and collaboration between the database and information systems research communities from Central and East European countries and the rest of the world. Several workshops are planned to be co-located with the main conference. You are invited to submit proposals for workshops focused on specific topics within the research areas of database and information systems. The workshops will run on September 8, 2015, and can last for half a day, or full day. The official language of the workshops will be English.
Please submit your workshop proposals via e-mail to ADBIS 2015 Workshop Co-chairs Athena Vakali and Bernhard Thalheim. The proposal should cover the following points:
The organizers of accepted workshops are expected to organize the workshop's program committee, announce and publicize the workshop and its call for papers, solicit submissions, conduct the reviewing process, and prepare the final workshop program.
Workshops will benefit from the ADBIS 2015 organizational infrastructure and receive support regarding registration, badges, lunches, coffee breaks, and publication of the workshop proceedings.
A volume with all workshop papers will be published by Springer in the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series, for distribution among workshop participants during the workshop. Camera-ready papers are to be prepared in LaTeX (detailed instructions will be provided). The authors of the best workshop papers will be invited to prepare extended versions of their papers after the workshop.
Following an additional round of reviews, the extended papers will appear in a special issue of Information Systems Frontiers, Springer.
Requests for information should be e-mailed.